Bautzen’s Charitable Foundations
For centuries, Bautzen’s citizens have bequeathed land, property and financial donations to their City.
In 1917 the Mayor, Dr. Heinrich Louis Zahn, instituted the “Golden Book of the City of Bautzen on the Foundations Under its Administration or Supervision” This book enscribed the names of the many benefactors, who have earned the enduring gratitude of the city of Bautzen over the course of the centuries by their charitable and benevolent foundations.
These include the names of some the city’s renowned patrons, such as Franke, von Gersdorff, Gerber, Weigang or Stieber. The first entries about donors go back to the year 1519.
Municipal Foundations
The City of Bautzen still manages the “Collective Foundation of the City of Bautzen”, the “Retirement Home Foundation of the City of Bautzen” and the “Foundation of Bautzen-Heidelberg”. These are legally independent foundations, which according to their statutes serve exclusively and directly for charitable purposes. Donations are still possible for all three foundations today.
Bautzen Collective Foundation (Sammelstiftung)
Bautzen Collective Foundation (Sammelstiftung)
The Collective Foundation is a foundation under civil law, and at the same time a municipal foundation. On the basis of the Law on the Merging of Local Foundations of 25.02.1948, a number of local foundations, which were under the administration or supervision of the city of Bautzen, were formed into a single collective Foundation.
For the financial year ending 1 April 1948 they returned a net profit of RMr 3,000.00.Today’s collective foundation pursues exclusively and directly the promotion of social, cultural and charitable purposes. The purpose of the foundation shall be achieved in particular by the following measures:
- Maintenance and expansion of the non-profit organization – Äußere Lauenstrasse 23
- Support for one-time aid to the poor, the sick and the homeless
- Preservation of cultural monuments and donations for the City of Bautzen Museum
- Grants for school purposes, for example: Promoting good students in the form of awards
- Financial assistance for orphans, and orphanages.
The Foundation is financed from the income its assets, which are made up of property and real estate values as well as cash donations.
One of these properties is the building on Äußere Lauenstraße 23, which is rented exclusively to charitable institutions, and which, as stipulated in the statutes, is to be preserved and further developed.
The restored grave of the Francke family in the Taucher Church Cemetry is today maintained by the Collective Foundation of the town of Bautzen.
The Board of Trustees, appointed by the Lord Mayor, the Finance Mayor, the Director of Education and Social Affairs, the Head of the Legal Office and a citizen of the city of Bautzen, decides on the use of the Foundation’s income.
Rental/leasing properties of the Bautzen’s Collective Foundation.
The collective foundation of the city of Bautzen rents office spaces in a building on Äußere Lauenstraße 23:
Ground floor:
1 Office approx. 15 m² plus side area
1 Office approx. 22 m² plus side area
1st floor:
1 Office approx. 22 m² plus side area
2 Offices (can only be rented together)
1 Office 36 m²
1 Office 21 m²
Plus side area
2 Offices (can only be rented together)
1 Office approx. 27 m²
1 Office approx. 31 m²
Plus side area
2 Offices (also can be rented individually)
1 room approx. 16 m² plus side area
1 room approx. 43 m² plus side area
The collective foundation of the city of Bautzen leases a garden plot, located on the Löbauer Str. In Bautzen, land plot 2107/30 with approx. 1,240 m².
Retirement Home Foundation of the City of Bautzen
Retirement Home Foundation of the City of Bautzen
Bautzen’s Retirement Home Foundation is a legal foundation under civil law and at the same time a local municipal foundation under § 13 of the Saxony Foundation Act (SächsStiftG) in conjunction with § 94 para. 1 of the Municipal Ordinance for the Free State of Saxony.
On January 1, 1944, the Foundation took over the assets of the statutory Hospital Foundations, which had been adversely affected by the currency devaluations of that period.
- The Hospital Foundation for Maria and Martha
- The Hospital of the Holy Spirit
- The Hospital for Diver Foundation
- The Johann Paul Foundations
- The Schneider Foundation (Dr. Erdmann Gottfried Schneider).
The Foundation shall exclusively and directly pursue non-profit and charitable purposes within the meaning of the section entitled “Tax Benefit Purposes” of the Tax Regulations.
The main purpose of the Foundation is:
Securing housing for older, in need, inhabitants of Bautzen.
This purpose is achieved primarily through:
Grants for securing the dwelling as well as enabling dignified housing for the elderly.
It also allows for granting financial support to retirement and care homes located in Bautzen.
In addition, the Foundation supports:
- maintaining everyday skills and promoting independent living
- Support for active leisure activities and care
- Spiritual and artistic interests
- Maintaining social contacts
- Ensuring participation in social life
of the older inhabitants of Bautzen.
According to § 5 of the current Charitable Foundations legislation of 26.09.2008, the Administration of the city of Bautzen is responsible for the representation and administration of the Foundation. The activities of the foundation are to be financed from the income of the administration of leasehold and leasing contracts for property, plots of land and cash donations.
Bautzen - Heidelberg Foundation
Bautzen - Heidelberg Foundation
The foundation is a legally valid Charitable Foundation under civil law. The Foundation is headquartered in Bautzen. It was founded in 1997 and has the purpose of promoting the city partnership between Bautzen and Heidelberg. This is achieved, in particular, by supporting meetings between the people of Bautzen and Heidelberg, by participating in joint events and projects as well as by implementing projects within the framework of the city partnership. Particular emphasis is placed on cultural events, youth care, youth welfare and science. The Board of Trustees consists of the Lord Mayor of the City of Heidelberg and the Lord Mayor of Bautzen.