Construction Industry

Bridges, hospitals, Industrial buildings and other specialist construction projects: Bautzen’s companies are particularly in demand for such demanding projects in civil engineering and reinforced-concrete construction.
The construction group Hentschke Bau GmbH, with its headquarters in Bautzen can boast of many exclusive projects and has a world-wide reputation. The company has experience dating back to its founding in 1857. The successful basis of many of its projects is the highly efficient production carried out in the new pre-fabricated form-work facility in Bautzen, as well as the subsidiary branches In Poland and the Czech Republic.
OBAG Hochbau GmbH Bautzen was founded in 1948 and is in demand across Germany for building construction, civil engineering and turnkey construction works. It has had a subsidiary company in Rumania since 2003.
A further, highly productive company is BauCom Bautzen GmbH, which has been operating in Bautzen since 1990. At present, the company employs about 140 people and is very well positioned in the field of road construction.