Numbers can sometimes tell us more than words. On this page you can get an overview of the most important numerical data about the City of Bautzen.

More detailed information on specific areas of the statistics on Bautzen can be obtained from the various reports of the Municipal Statistical Office.

In addition, you can get also get a lot of information about Bautzen from the Statistisches Landesamt Sachsen.


Total population of the Bautzen Administrative district: 40.450

Population structure

Population with main residence 40.450  
Male 19.686 49 %
Female 20.764 51 %
Residents with secondary residence 1.922  
Male 980 51 %
Female 942 49 %
Residents by Nationality    
German 38.531  
Foreigners (Total) 1.919 4,7 %
Foreigners from EU-Countries 421  
Population density (inhabitants per km²) 607  

District statistics

How many inhabitants live in the 25 districts of Bautzen? Where do the average youngest inhabitants live, and where are the oldest? Answers to these and numerous other questions can be found in the Statistical Report by City Districts.


Source: Register of Inhabitants | All details as of 31.12.2016

Geographical Situation

Bautzen – The City in the Eastern part of Saxony, in the Oberlausitz.

Eastern longitude 14° 25'
Northern latitude 51° 10'
  (Coordinates referring to the town hall)
Highest point Chorberg (OT Salzenforst) 268,0 m above HN
Lowest point Dorfstraße Niederkaina 163,4 m above HN
Highest point in the city center 219,0 m above sea level
Lowest point in the city center 177,5 m above sea level


Total area 66,63 km²  
of which buildings and associated open space 10,56 km² 16 %
Traffic area 4,77 km² 7 %
Agriculture/Landscaped area 38,85 km² 58 %
Forest/recreation area 4,85 km² 7 %
Water surface 6,41 km² 10 %
Other Area 1,19 km² 2 %

Transport Connections

Federal Highway (BAB) 4/E 40
Federal roads 6, 96, 156
Freight roads Bautzen (up to 13 tonnes approved)
Railroad tracks to Görlitz, Dresden, Breslau  
International airport, Dresden-Klotzsche, about 50 km away