The Heraldic Sign of the city of Bautzen
City Coat of Arms
The shield contains the coats of arms on a colored Escutcheon. The basic colors of the coat of arms are red, green, blue, yellow, black and white. This can be augmented for a richer appearance where the yellow and white are replaced with gold and silver (metals).
The Helmet has had different forms in the past e.g. – open or barred, or with raised and lowered visors in the 13–15th century. There is a three-leaved crown between helmet and torse from the 13th century onwards, and the helmet mantelling serves to frame the shield.
Description of the Coat of Arms
The core of the coat of arms is the shield. It is also the oldest part of the coat of arms.
As heraldic symbol, the golden or yellow battlement wall appears in the shield. This takes the lower half the shield. Above it is a blue field. In the language of heraldry it is said: “In blue a golden wall with three crenelines”.
The wall consists of five stone layers topped by the crenulated battlements. One of the three crenulations stands exactly in the centre of the masonry, while the other two are leaning against the shield on the right and left. The wall is made up of 19 stones arranged horizontally and defined by black lines marking the pointing. 11 stones are shown cut. These include the outer crenulations.
Above the shield is the right facing helmet (sinister), which carries a three-leaved crown. The heraldic mantling, which surrounds the coat of arms, emerges from the helmet.
The crest of the coat of arms, consists of stylized eagle wings, slightly opened and also facing the right) from the viewers perspective). In the wings, the crenulated yellow wall and open blue field is repeated. The Helmet torse and mantelling also repeat the colors of the shield.
The use of the Bautzen Coat of Arms is subject to approval.